Hello? Hi? Hola? Guten Tag?

Song of the Day: Light Up the Dark by Greyson Chance

I'm not very good at saying hello, hence the title.

Now, you might be thinking: "What the hell is this site about?"

Honestly, here's the long story short: I get bored. I guess I should introduce myself now, huh?

I'm Isabella, but some people call me Izzy, some call me Bella... Heck, for all I care, you could even call me Iz for that punk-chick feel to it.

I'm eleven years old. I don't really consider eleven as an interesting age, like some people say, but it has been a pretty good year so far. It's nothing special, but I like it.

I live in Los Angeles, California. The City of Angels. La La Land. The Entertainment Capital of the World and all that pizzazz. Los Angeles is a pretty cool city; it's diverse and you'll never know what you can find.

I'm in the fifth grade and I go to a magnet school. I'm smart and fifth grade is pretty awesome. My school goes from fourth through twelfth grade so I'm not that focused on going to a new middle school.

I have a little sister, Missy, who's four and my mom is a single parent. It's basically just my mom, my sister, and I, so life is a little tough. I think that we're handling life pretty well, though. It really isn't very complicated now, but it was in the past.

Now that you know about me, I'm going to tell you [if you're still reading] about my interests.
  • I am totally obsessed with my iPod. If you knew me personally you'd know that I am on my iPod almost 24/7. I have pretty much a billion apps and I'm always downloading more. What can I say? It's pretty addicting.
  • I love to read. I sound really nerdy, I know. Reading is pretty interesting, especially fantasy and sci-fi. Oh, and I love action-adventure books - bring on the violence.
  • I also love to write. I mainly write stories and songs. I don't know what got me into writing, but when I was little I had a very creative mind, and when I got a little older I decided to write down what went on in my mind.
  • I am addicted to art and photography. It's just another creative way to express myself, along with reading and writing. I don't consider myself the best artist, but I am pretty good at photography. I might display a little bit of my portfolio someday.
  • I'm obsessed with music. I just can't help it. I've been listening to music since... before I was born, practically. I am generally open to all types of music, as long as the song is good. That is why, at the beginning of each post, I'm going to have a "Song of the Day" feature, where I'll post a song that's been stuck in my head and a video at the bottom of the post.
  • I love to sing and I play three instruments. I play guitar, piano, and drums and I'm currently learning how to play each instrument on my own. [except for guitar - I do take lessons]
  • One more thing - I am obsessed with a guy. His name? Greyson Michael Chance. Yep, I've been an Enchancer since the start and I will be an Enchancer till the very end. Greyson's the inspiration. <3
Don't let that last fact ruin your chances of following this blog - I am obsessed with him but I promise not to go too overboard. I don't want to scare any of you off.

Well, I do suggest keeping these facts in mind because I'll be talking about them often. Actually, keep this in mind too: I will be posting very often. So if you're going to follow, I hope you don't mind your Dashboard being spammed with my posts.

Well, I hope you did make it all the way down here and didn't skip everything that was above this, because this is the end of this post.

Honestly, I'm not the best at saying goodbye, like I'm not the best at saying hello. But, I guess I'm going to learn eventually. So... uh... Bye, I guess...


Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy reading, but just to warn you, I talk a little too much about a guy named Greyson Chance. =P
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